sexta-feira, 27 de novembro de 2015

Psychedelic La Ursa*– Performance

Psychedelic La Ursa*– Performance

Sound art interactive urban performance in Berlin.

By using mobile amplifier developed with artkos technology, portable microphone, compact pedal Big Muff and Fender Squier Guitar, The Psychedelic La Ursa captures energy and sound frequencies from solar flares and Ursa Major. This energy caught by the mask-antenna resonates directly into the blood stream of the performer, leading to a state of altered consciousness. Quickly, it starts muscle and bone metabolism, creating involuntary movements that result in spontaneous musical structures, following the indications of Stellar Seismology scores, in the electromagnetic waves of celestial bodies, translated to human coding in a new art form and interaction. Imbued for this primary feeling of nature and its connection with the playful, urban space and love, It is inevitable the empathy of the Psychedelic La Ursa (La Ursa Psicodélica) with the children universe!*

**Footnote: Carnival character, also called La Ursa. A Bear dressed as a man; leaded by a trainer, accompanied by rustic musical ensemble. By dancing and bowing on the doors of the houses, the bear asks for money and scares children.

quinta-feira, 26 de novembro de 2015



During The Neolithic Expansion in Ancient Europe, a large population of bears seeked refuge in the Boreal Regions of the North Pole. The arrival of the Neanderthals hominids advanced through the cold forests, running from the Mediterranean's first global warming of this new era. The ancient Africa used to burn in natural flames, related to the cyclical process of Burnings that would come to renew the soil. At that time, the animals and plants used to speak!

Gathered in assembly and forecasting the imminent catastrophe to their population, the wild bunch of Arktos bears had decided not to take refuge in cold areas because it would be an even greater ambush. Armed with his great claws and a throaty vocalization, which in chorus could shake the ground for several kilometers, the gang decided to face the hominid breakthrough by using nocturnal onslaughts against the recently established small villages in the Bavarian region.

These villages of hominids Neanderthals had already acquired the technology of proto-agriculture, selective irrigation and handling of wooden-carved musical instruments. The War wasn’t very usual among villages, despite the ethnic diversity registered by modern age excavations. The developed pottery from coal and the extracted clay from The Pyrenees had turned the meat-based cuisine handcraft of small animals into a need to supply the low amount of vegetables in the frozen lands.

First Attacks

Guided by the Great Bear (Ursa Major) constellation (a Goddess at the Minoan age), the wild bunch of bears started the invasion. Through scary moans and groans, the creatures advanced, surrounding the villages, bringing the huts down by shaking their fragile structures with low sound frequencies, extinguishing the fires and causing distress in villagers through psychoacoustics. After psychologically terrifying the villagers, the massacre came along. The Arktos claws, which were sharpened on rocks, had ripped and slashed men, women and children, who later were served as a feast to the gang.

The bears developed the further improvement of primary musical instruments, taking hold of the Neolithic culture of hominids, which helped them to discover new acoustic phenomena for the attacks in the middle Europe. Along with technological development, it was seen that it was possible to breed human slaves, creating circuses to those who the bears used to extract the skin and hair of the dead slaves to dress up like humans.

The domestication of wild hominids that Arktos gang tamed and trained in order to perform acrobatics and juggling, besides lethal acts, such as forced-swallowing and fire-spitting to each other’s face, used to leave the “circus” more charming. Some of those hominids were able to escape and arrived as refugees to the lands nearby the Central Europe’s lakes, founding the Nordic Germanic tribes.

Such a crude instinct growth in the Artkos society brought forth dissatisfaction with the Great Bear.
The Great Bear who had been forgotten in the spiritual guidance rules of this new rotten society due to their wanton cruelty, feeling betrayed, changed its stellar configuration, by which it is known until nowadays. The constellation shape shifting was useful to show the way to Germanic Barbarians outbreak, which on the trail managed to steal the star maps left by the Arktos. Throughout tireless detailed study and mastery of astrology, they developed constellations readings and interpretations while watching the Great Bear changes, which now signalized the sudden doom of Arktos’ society.

Around the year 666 B.C, the unavoidable and bloodthirsty battle between Arktos bears and the new hominids aggressors began. In possession of psychoactive plants, the barbarians set up an scheme to grog the Arktos guard with an infusion of mixed plants, bearing mass hallucinations and a never-seen trance. Bewildered by the effects of uncontrolled and overpowered natural psychedelics, the Bears started a self-massacre process. The Germanic barbarians didn’t have to draw their swords to defeat their enemy, whom while looking at the Great Bear didn’t notice its renewed configuration and meanwhile totally puzzled by drugs, loose themselves to deadly despair.


In charge of unfitness to their new reality, some young bears, that had taken shelter far away from the villages, could witness the barbaric strategy and as means of self-defense, lowered the infusions of the doses creating a reconnection with the stars and a spiritual reconfiguration with the Arktos primary nature. Being afraid of a bloody incursion from his contemporaries and the barbarians, they migrated in small groups to the lands adjoining the Mediterranean, more exactly what we currently know as Italy.

Hidden in groves they were, now, an easy target to Chinese gunpowder, which flourished in the Iberian world.

The imminent danger of death caused discord among runaway Arktos, weakening the resistance and leaving as the only way out their domestication and therefore training for entertainment at gypsy circuses. It is just in this medieval era that European immigration to the West Indies began. Despite their strength, the Bears had no resistance on the ships departed to the New World. The high spending on useless maintenance of the animal (just one specimen managed to get alive at the time of the Captaincies) and the risk of rage due to depression and sickness in the holds of the vessels was the main reason to the Navy suspended transport. Later, other bears were found in north of the New World, where creature’s mass extinction techniques were developed by the new settlers as a tactic to undermine the food reserves of the indigenous natives. 

Photos: Moacyr Campelo
Traduzido por Guto Conde

segunda-feira, 19 de outubro de 2015

Corpo e Ruído - Performance Grilowsky + Vi Brasil

Performance Corpo e Ruído (Vi Brasil + Grilowsky)
Trata-se do encontro entre dois corpos, propondo uma comunicação entre suas partituras corporais e vocais, alimentados pela projeção de imagens que são signos das suas subjetividades individuais.
Durante cerca de 20 minutos, os corpos naturais estabelecerão um diálogo através de movimento e ruídos vocais, sem uso de outros instrumentos sonoros. O cenário será composto por imagens projetadas sobre os corpos em transformação e representam memórias afetivas.

Inicio previsto: 21h
de grátis, mas aceitamos contribuições no chapéu!!

domingo, 18 de outubro de 2015

sexta-feira, 25 de setembro de 2015

terça-feira, 22 de setembro de 2015

RISOFLORA - Discotecagem Grilowsky

Qualidade da Cerveja é garantida!
A do som você tem que provar!
Muitos toques afros, psicodélicos, jazzysticos,
músicas búlgaras e alemãs e do morro também
e obviamente aquele rock doido
pra degustar Cerveja Risoflora numa discotecagem 69% Vinil...


Exposição coletiva Anticrise marca retorno de Clementino à casa de Evandro

A programação envolve artes visuais, música, poesia e gastronomia

A saída da crise são as ações colaborativas. Esse é o recado escrito, pintado, tocado e

cozinhado pelas muitas mãos que participam da exposição-relâmpago Anticrise,

marcada para apenas dia 23 de setembro, próxima quarta-feira, no espaço outrora

conhecido como IRAQ, atualmente casa do multiartista Evandro Sena, o DJ

Evandro Q?. As portas serão abertas ao público às 16h, sem hora para terminar.

A exposição é relâmpago, mas os site specifics criados por artistas parceiros do casting

da Nuvem vão deixar marcas duráveis por toda a casa. A fachada vai ganhar a pompa

ruidosa do coletivo Vacilante, nos ambientes internos, vão surgir os traços de Ianah

Maia, Bozó Bacamarte e Jotazer0ff, inéditos naquelas paredes. Flavão, Koblitz e Sybeli

Lima também foram convidados para intervenções em grafite. Já a literatura produzida

por Evandro Sena terá uma primeira mostra em formato de lambe-lambes.

As participações transitórias vão garantir a ambiência festiva ao evento, que vai contar

com projeções de Henrique Koblitz, performance "Noise Guitar - Grilowsky + D

Mingus". Para abrir a pista, Evandro Q? e DJ Pós preparam discotecagens em vinil.

Outra novidade é a participação do Chef Luli, com a criação de dois hambúrgueres em

homenagem aos artistas.

Anticrise é um happening concebido numa confluência de linguagens para dar boas-

vindas a Clementino, criatura que já prestou serviços como anfitrião e faz-tudo em

vários espaços independentes dedicados às artes, como o Laboratório do Pátio de São

Pedro. Sabe-se que Clementino foi um dos enviados para prospecções no foguete

lançado por Cuba ao planeta X637Z-43. De volta ao Recife, está de visual novo –

assinado por Beto Normal e Julião das Máscaras – e promete não falar nada sobre a




Exposição-relâmpago coletiva

23 de setembro de 2015

16 horas

Rua do Sossego, 179, Boa Vista, Recife - PE


Claudia Aires [81] 98175.7208
